Chronic State Documentary

Chronic State is a new and powerful documentary on the consequences of drug legalization. It was produced by the DrugFree Idaho coalition in Boise, Idaho in partnership with the amazing documentary film team of Ronn Seidenglanz and Tanya Pavlis (

Free access to Chronic State can be found on the DrugFree Idaho website.

The documentary can also be accessed directly from DrugFree Idaho’s Vimeo page. Click here to watch the Chronic State documentary.

Although the documentary cannot be downloaded, it can be viewed on any computer and shown to any audience as many times as you like. Viewing is possible on a computer, connected to a larger monitor, or projected onto a large screen in the same way that Powerpoint programs are presented. Because of the professional sound quality of the video, an audio connection to quality speakers is also important.

In addition to public showings, you can forward these links to any person or group interested in learning the truth about this subject.

You may also be interested in Idaho’s new marijuana campaign.

This website includes a number of excellent videos which will be used in an upcoming television advertising campaign.